That is the question today. It's become increasingly apparent to me since I re-embarked on my quest for healthful living that I haven't been particularly hung up about food. I made a bit of an effort over the first couple of days to design a kind of template for my intake (no complex carbs after lunch, fruit for breakfast etc.) but other than that I've been completely flexible and guided by what I feel I actually want. Strangely, that hasn't been pizza and chips!
One key difference between my current regimen and previous attempts at diet/exercise has been my decision to stay away from the weighing scales for two weeks. The immediate effect of this has been to actually shift the focus of this operation off my weight and on to the way I live my life. I can't begin to tell you how different I feel because the decisions I make each day aren't based on pleasing the scales once a week, they're actually based on what I can best do to make myself happy each day. So, when I get out of bed at 5am each morning to go for my walk it isn't a chore that I must do to please the god of the scales, it's something I love to do because it makes me feel like I've achieved something and it puts me on a high for the rest of the day. Similarly I don't eat anything after my late afternoon/ early evening meal because it makes me feel bloated before bed which impedes my ability to get off to sleep and, thus, interferes with my ability to get up in the morning.
So. with all these benefits, why would I want to weigh myself at all? There are those who recommend just that and it does have some great upsides. I think I've reached a point where I need to establish some guidelines so that I can put the issue to bed and not have to worry about it. So I've decided on a compromise; I will weigh myself on the first of each month. That way, hopefully, my weight loss will be substantial enough to maintain my motivation and the long interval between weigh-ins will help me to avoid obsessing about each an every pound and help me focus on what really is important; feeling great about myself and happy in my life.
Full Mobility
8 years ago