C25K Week 9 Day 3 - Time 5.30am - Weather Bright and cool 8.5 degrees C - Wind SW 1mph
Following on from Friday's post to a certain extent, I guess I'm still reflecting on the true nature of the finish line; does it ever really exist? Do we ever really cross it? Should we ever want to cross it?
Some things that I have to say today:
- I am incredibly proud of my achievement. I set myself a goal and worked hard for its attainment. I have reaped the rewards of my effort and commitment. Nobody can ever take this feeling away from me.
- I have taken a positive step towards increasing the quality and quantity of my life; I have made an investment in my, and my family's, future.
- I have found a passion which I plan to pursue.
- I have many people to thank for their support during this challenge. That includes you, dear reader. Just the knowledge that you would be checking in made me get out of the door on the (thankfully rare) occasions when I didn't want to run.
I genuinely dispute the whole concept of the finish line. I think there are check points where we can briefly stop to measure our progress and reevaluate our goals. But to say that there is a finish line implies that we have to stop, to say that we've had enough and that we don't want to go any further. To regard C25K as an end in itself is not enough for me; it is just the beginning. It is a check point where I come up for air, to contemplate what the future holds. I think that the photograph is interesting. The finish line is on the horizon, and I think that the implication is that that is where it will remain; always just out of reach and inspiring us to go ever onwards.
So, what does the future hold for my running. I have entered a 5k fun-run early in October, so my aim at the moment is to continue at 3x30 minute runs per week to maintain a good level of fitness. After that I will be following Bob Glover's intermediate runner training plans which should get me up to a base level of 20 miles per week. After that, I guess I'll reevaluate again. But I'm very sure that I want to keep running.
I will keep this blog going, with the same intention that I always had, of reflecting on my experiences. If any of this is read by others - and even found remotely inspirational - then that's fantastic.
Thank you for sharing this small part of my journey with me. I really hope that you can stop by, from time to time, just to see where I'm up to.
Keep running friends...
Blogged with the Flock Browser
Congratulations Gary! What an awesome achievement. I feel proud of you and I don't even know you, so you must be so proud of yourself. YOU DID IT!
I do hope you keep blogging, you write so well - I enjoy "checking up on you" and seeing what you're up to.
You are inspiring, and your comments to others on the c25k forum are helpful and encouraging.
Congratulations! I feel about my soon-to-be finish line the same. I guess checkpoint is a great word that I'll remember to use for it too.
An awesome accomplishment and I hope you keep us all posted on the rest of your journey!
I've enjoyed sharing the experience with you and look forward to your updates on your next phase.
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