Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Getting Over my Loss

Time - 5.10am, Weather - Damp (shocker!) 10 degrees C, Wind - E 2mph
Distance - 3 miles, Pace - 11m/m

If you'd have told me, nine weeks ago, that I would miss C25K I would've looked sideways at you with a somewhat rye grin. I guess the truth of the matter is, and my wife agrees with me here, is that we never expected me to finish C25K. My wife - God bless her - is very used to my fadishness: for some years now she has smiled sweetly at me when I've started raving about my latest obsession, humoured me for the duration of it, and tried to feign surprise when I threw whatever it was out of the window to pursue something else that had piqued my curiosity. She had similar expectations of my running career. It was only a few nights ago that she admitted as much to me. I confess that, at first, I felt a little hurt, but when I saw it from her perspective I really couldn't blame her. I'm not particularly reliable, I have issues with discipline and I always thought that commitment was a movie about an Irish soul band.

So to reach the end of C25K left me in a very unfamiliar place. I'd actually finished something; what does one do when one finishes something? There were two obvious answers: do nothing or do something else. I decided on the latter, but then it came to actually doing it and I felt awkward, uncomfortable, alone. The best thing about C25K for me was the community, the shared pains and triumphs, the forums, the blogs, the being a part of something. I still contribute to forums, and write this blog and read others, but I'm different now. I'm a veteran. I take a great deal of pride in that, but I miss being green. There's a lot of security in following a plan, doing as you're told; it's not so easy when you have to think up the orders for yourself.

Thankfully my orders at the moment are not too complex. I'm just going to do 3 miles a day, 3 days a week until my 5k fun-run on October 4th. After that I'll have another plan. In the mean time, however, the motivation and discipline are my responsibility.
Blogged with the Flock Browser


Daisy said...

You're still a part of my community!

I understand your wife completely. My boyfriend and me are both a lot like you. Our enthusiasm for any new project is such a rush and we'll get each other all fired up on it too! Even if it's two completely different projects/hobbies.

And I see the positive side too. Look at allllll the things you've done in your life because of it. Better try a lot of new things than be afraid to try anything at all.

Yeah I say that to feel better about myself :P

This is going to be one of the only things I've ever finished too and it's exciting and weird.

Melissa said...

Gary, I'm the same way. I was surprised I finished, too. I felt a loss and a bit of panic when I completed.

Melissa said...

Oh, and congrats on the latest weight loss!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps begin training for an 8 or 10K?

Anonymous said...

Why not try 8K training? offers mixes for 8 and 10K training...check it out!